Anu Nephilim Site Admin replied

548 weeks ago

Im assuming all DOL/DOH caps are the same for all jobs. Some items are missing. Some items might be different for each job, this is just an idea to get us started.

Mainhand: Can't meld the best Lv50 mainhand tool. Go do your class quests.

Offhand (HQ Militia): 19 Craftsmanship; 11 Control; 3 CP
- It is impossible to reach all the stat caps on this, so it's your pick what you meld.

Head (HQ AF): 4 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 0 CP
- Optimum meld: Control III, Craftsmanship II, Control II

Body (HQ AF): 16 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 0 CP
- Optimum meld option 1: Craftsmanship IV, Control III, Craftsmanship III, Craftsmanship III, Control II
- The above option has less reliance on Tier-4 materia
- Optimum meld option 2: Craftsmanship IV, Craftsmanship IV, Craftsmanship III, Control II, Craftsmanship II
- The above option has less expensive forbidden melds

Hands (HQ AF): 4 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 0 CP
- Optimum meld: Control III, Craftsmanship II, Control II

Legs (HQ AF): 1 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 3 CP
- Optimum meld: Control III, CP III, Control II, Craftsmanship I

Feet (HQ AF)
: 1 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 3 CP
- Optimum meld: Control III, CP III, Control II, Craftsmanship I

Waist (HQ Raptorskin Mrch. Purse): 3 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 3 CP
- Note: Since this is not iLvl55+, it doesn't accept tier4 materia.
- Optimum meld: Control III, CP III, Control II, Craftsmanship I

Neck (HQ Electrum Choker): 3 Craftsmanship; 3 Control; 5 CP
- Note: Since this is not iLvl55+, it doesn't accept tier4 materia.
- Optimum Meld: Control III, CP III, CP II, Craftsmanship I (your pick which tier-3 materia comes first)

Ears (HQ Red Coral Earrings): 3 Craftsmanship; 3 Control; 6 CP
- Note: Since this is not iLvl55+, it doesn't accept tier4 materia.
- Optimum Meld: Control III, CP III, CP III, Craftsmanship I (your pick which tier-3 materia comes first)

Wrists (HQ Militia): 4 Craftsmanship; 4 Control; 6 CP
- Optimum Meld: Control IV, CP III, CP III, Craftsmanship II
- Alternative Meld: Control IV, CP IV, Craftsmanship II, CP II
- I used the alternative meld since CP IV materia has literally no use except for this gear slot (or melds onto NQ gear), so it's generally cheaper than any other T4 crafting materia.

Rings (HQ Aetheryte Ring): 4 Craftsmanship; 4 Control; 3 CP
- Optimum Meld: Control IV, CP III, Craftsmanship II
- Alternative Meld: Control III, CP III, Craftsmanship II, Control I

Accessories HQ caps
Raptorskin Survival Belt –-[GP: 4, Gathering: 3, Perception: 2]
Raptorskin Choker –- [GP: 7, Gathering: 3, Perception: 3]
Raptorskin Ring ––[GP: 4, Gathering: 3, Perception: 3]
Electrum Earrings ––[GP: 7, Gathering: 3, Perception: 3]
Militia Bracelets––- [GP: 7, Gathering: 3, Perception: 4]

Artifact Armor and Tools

Militia Sledgehammer / Militia Scythe [GP: ???, Gathering: ???, Perception: 20+]
Head ––-[GP: 4, Gathering: 4, Perception: 11]
Body ––-[GP: 1, Gathering: 11, Perception: 6]
Hands––- [GP: 1, Gathering: 8, Perception: 4]
Legs ––- [GP: 4, Gathering: 6, Perception: 1]
Feet ––[GP: 4, Gathering: 1, Perception: 6]

last edited 548 weeks ago by Anu Nephilim
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